Bijwerkingen Van Cafeïne: 17 Mogelijke Manieren Waarop Teveel Cafeïne Schadelijk Kan Zijn


Video: Bijwerkingen Van Cafeïne: 17 Mogelijke Manieren Waarop Teveel Cafeïne Schadelijk Kan Zijn

Video: Bijwerkingen Van Cafeïne: 17 Mogelijke Manieren Waarop Teveel Cafeïne Schadelijk Kan Zijn
Video: Hoe vermijd je de nadelige effecten van cafeïne? 2024, April
Bijwerkingen Van Cafeïne: 17 Mogelijke Manieren Waarop Teveel Cafeïne Schadelijk Kan Zijn
Bijwerkingen Van Cafeïne: 17 Mogelijke Manieren Waarop Teveel Cafeïne Schadelijk Kan Zijn

Cafeïne wordt over de hele wereld geconsumeerd vanwege zijn stimulerende eigenschappen. Overmatige inname van cafeïne (vooral koffie) lijkt echter meer kwaad te doen. Studies tonen aan dat cafeïne angst en slaapstoornissen kan veroorzaken bij bepaalde personen (1).

Cafeïne kan verslavend worden en kan soms nadelige effecten veroorzaken, zelfs in doseringen die als veilig worden beschouwd. In dit bericht hebben we de meest voorkomende bijwerkingen van te veel cafeïne op een rijtje gezet. Houd hier rekening mee voordat u uw volgende kopje pakt.


  • Cafeïne - een korte
  • Hoe beïnvloedt cafeïne ons lichaam?
  • Bijwerkingen van cafeïne
  • Symptomen van terugtrekking van cafeïne
  • Aanbevolen dosering van cafeïne

Cafeïne - een korte

Cafeïne staat bekend als een onmiddellijke energiebooster. Het helpt mensen slaperigheid te bestrijden. Toch is er veel controverse over de dosering en effectiviteit ervan.

Cafeïne, wetenschappelijk bekend als methyltheobromine, is een alkaloïde. Deze natuurlijke stof wordt in veel planten aangetroffen, waaronder koffiebonen, thee, kolanoten en cacaobonen. Deze alkaloïde is een belangrijk onderdeel van het commerciële platform en de door de mens gemaakte vorm wordt veel gebruikt bij de productie van apotheekmedicijnen, dranken, chocolaatjes en koffie-infusies.

Volgens studies is cafeïne de meest gebruikte psychostimulant ter wereld (2). Dit laat zien hoe het waarschijnlijk is dat het ook te veel wordt geconsumeerd.

Hoe beïnvloedt cafeïne ons lichaam?

Omdat het in water oplosbaar is, wordt cafeïne gemakkelijk door ons systeem opgenomen. Het bereikt in een mum van tijd onze bloedbaan, beginnend van de maag tot de hersenen. Heeft het bijwerkingen? Lees verder om te weten.

Bijwerkingen van cafeïne

  1. Kan angstaanvallen veroorzaken
  2. Kan maagaandoeningen veroorzaken
  3. Kan slapeloosheid veroorzaken
  4. Kan een miskraam veroorzaken
  5. Kan de bloeddruk verhogen
  6. Kan menstruatieproblemen veroorzaken
  7. Kan het risico op urine-incontinentie verhogen
  8. Kan gewichtstoename veroorzaken
  9. Kan hallucinaties veroorzaken
  10. Kan de kans op osteoporose vergroten
  11. Kan de oestrogeenproductie verstoren
  12. Kan de kans op cysten in het borstweefsel vergroten
  13. Is misschien niet goed voor personen met diabetes type 2
  14. Kan de productie van collageen in de huid remmen
  15. Kan het herstel van gehoorverlies schaden
  16. Kan acne veroorzaken
  17. Kan allergieën veroorzaken

Door de verslavende aard is cafeïne een groot risico, vooral onder tieners en volwassenen. De algemeen ervaren bijwerkingen van cafeïne zijn onder meer uitdroging, overmatige productie van urine die leidt tot uitdroging, maagstoornissen, misselijkheid, verhoogde bloeddruk, depressie, rusteloosheid, verhoogde hartslag die leidt tot de dood, zwaarlijvigheid, verhoogd lichaamsgewicht en koorts.

Lees verder om een gedetailleerd beeld te krijgen van de bijwerkingen van cafeïne:

1. Kan angstaanvallen veroorzaken

Overmatige inname van cafeïne kan leiden tot een ernstig geval van angst. Uit onderzoek bij middelbare scholieren bleek dat een hoge inname van cafeïne kan worden geassocieerd met gevoelens van angst en stress (3).

Het is bekend dat een persoon met angstgevoelens nervositeit en rusteloosheid ervaart, zelfs onder normale omstandigheden. Cafeïne verergert dergelijke aandoeningen (3). Daarom moet men erg voorzichtig zijn als ze deze symptomen ervaren.


Mensen met angststoornissen moeten hun arts raadplegen voordat ze voor cafeïne kiezen. Dit kan de kans op geneesmiddelinteracties uitsluiten.

2. Kan maagaandoeningen veroorzaken

De zuren in cafeïne stimuleren de maag om meer zuur te produceren. Cafeïne (koffie) lijkt gastro-oesofageale reflux te bevorderen (4). Anekdotisch bewijs suggereert dat te veel cafeïne ook kan leiden tot maagaandoeningen zoals misselijkheid, krampen, diarree en een opgeblazen gevoel.


Als u een zwakke maag heeft, beperk dan uw dagelijkse dosis cafeïne tot twee kopjes (maximaal).

3. Kan slapeloosheid veroorzaken

Slapeloosheid is een slaapstoornis waarbij iemand moeite heeft om in slaap te vallen of te blijven. Het is een ontwenningsverschijnsel dat wordt gecombineerd met andere fysieke problemen, zoals verhoogde vermoeidheid en hoofdpijn. Dit is een veel voorkomend teken bij degenen die veel cafeïne consumeren.

Zulke mensen zouden slapeloosheid en prikkelbaarheid ervaren als ze zich zouden terugtrekken uit cafeïne. Hoewel bepaalde onderzoeken geen grote effecten hebben gevonden, is de inname van cafeïne vlak voor het slapengaan in verband gebracht met slapeloosheid (5).


De gemakkelijkste manier om slapeloosheid aan te pakken, is door cafeïne te vermijden voordat je naar bed gaat. Ook het verminderen van het aantal bekers per dag kan helpen.

4. Kan een miskraam veroorzaken

Zwangere vrouwen moeten extra voorzichtig zijn met cafeïne, omdat overmatige inname kan leiden tot een miskraam en andere complicaties vóór de bevalling (6).

Cafeïne is in water oplosbaar en dringt gemakkelijk door de placenta via de bloedbaan. Omdat het een stimulerend middel is, kan het een snelle toename van de hartslag en het metabolisme van de foetus veroorzaken. Een van de bijwerkingen van te veel cafeïne is een vertraagde groei van de foetus (7).

Moeders die borstvoeding geven, mogen niet meer dan twee kopjes koffie per dag consumeren, omdat dit de baby rechtstreeks beïnvloedt door fysieke prikkelbaarheid te veroorzaken. Het kan ook de ijzerstatus bij de zuigeling beïnvloeden (8).


Raadpleeg uw huisarts voordat u besluit om regelmatig cafeïne in te nemen. Moeders in wording mogen onder geen beding meer dan 200 mg cafeïne per dag innemen.

5. Kan de bloeddruk verhogen

Mensen met hypertensie moeten voorzichtig zijn met de hoeveelheid cafeïne die ze dagelijks consumeren.

Caffeine is known to spike your blood pressure for a short time (9). While there are no long-term effects of caffeine, some believe it may worsen the condition in people with irregular heart rhythms. On the other hand, certain studies state that the intake of coffee is not linked to hypertension (10). Hence, more research is needed to establish a connection.

Caffeine is also associated with a heart attack in young adults. According to a study, young adults with mild hypertension who consume more than four cups of coffee in a day are four times more vulnerable to heart attack than those who consume two cups or less (11).

Prevention Method

If you have hypertension or cardiovascular problems, it is better to seek a medical opinion before including caffeine in your daily routine.

6. May Induce Menstrual Problems

While a hot cup of coffee feels great during those days, excessive intake of caffeine can meddle with your menstrual cycle. It can cause period delays, excessive flow, and prolonged cramps.

Caffeine also increases the chance of vasomotor in menopausal women.

According to a study published in The Journal of The North American Menopause Society, menopausal women who are dependent on caffeine have a greater chance of displaying vasomotor symptoms (12).

Prevention Method

Quantity is key. You should always measure what you consume, whether it is caffeine or not. Consulting a doctor is also an important step, especially if you have menstrual problems.

7. May Increase The Risk Of Urinary Incontinence

Caffeine increases the chances of urinary incontinence in women (13). It is a bladder disorder in which the person loses control of the bladder. It results in the sudden leakage of urine whenever the person laughs, coughs, or sneezes.

Prevention Method

Avoid consuming more than two cups of caffeine in a day.

8. Might Cause Weight Gain

Caffeine may induce stress. Animal studies show that stress can lead to obesity (14). However, there is no direct research stating that caffeine can lead to weight gain and long-term obesity.

Some believe that caffeine brings up the levels of stress hormones, which results in increased hunger pangs. This is not proven by research, though.

Prevention Method

Coffee is great. But making it a habit can add extra kilos to your body. Make it a point to have no more than two-three cups of caffeine in a day, and that includes coffee, cola, chocolate, and tea.

9. May Cause Hallucinations

It is true that caffeine can make you high. If you go overboard, you may experience confusion and hallucinations. These effects were more pronounced in those taking more than seven cups of coffee (more than 300 mg of caffeine in a day) (15). In some cases, this has even led to death due to convulsions (16).

Prevention Method

If you feel you are getting addicted to caffeine, start cutting down your daily consumption slowly.

10. May Increase The Chances Of Osteoporosis

Consuming caffeine in large quantities may also increase the risk of osteoporosis. This effect was found to be true in elderly women, whose calcium performance was already impaired (17). It interferes with the absorption of calcium, resulting in bone thinning (osteoporosis), especially in older women whose intake of calcium is below the recommended intake (18).

Overconsumption of caffeine may also cause achy muscles and twitches, though more research is needed to understand this aspect.

Prevention Method

Avoid caffeine if you have calcium deficiency, as it may worsen the condition.

11. May Interfere With Estrogen Production

Caffeine is known to interfere with estrogen production and metabolism. While it increased estrogen production in Asians, it decreased the levels in white females (19).

Some believe that caffeine can reduce a woman’s chances of getting pregnant (the higher the caffeine dependency, the greater the risk), though this has not been proven.

It also is believed that caffeine can have strong effects that may complicate pregnancy. Since research is lacking, we suggest that women who look forward to conceiving consult their doctor before taking caffeine.

Prevention Method

Consult your doctor for the recommended safe dosage of caffeine.

12. Can Increase The Chance Of Breast Tissue Cysts

According to a published study, women who consume more than 500 mg of caffeine per day have twice more chances of developing breast tissue cysts than those who take 31-250 mg of caffeine (20).

Prevention Method

Limit your caffeine intake.

13. May Not Be Good For Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, you may want to consider limiting your caffeine intake. It may impair glucose metabolism, increasing the risk of diabetes complications (21).

Prevention Method

Consult your physician and get your daily caffeine limit defined.

14. Can Inhibit Collagen Production In The Skin

Caffeine was found to reduce collagen production in human skin (22).

Prevention Method

This problem could be easily prevented by limiting your caffeine dose.

15. May Impair Hearing Loss Recovery

According to a study conducted on guinea pigs, caffeine may also delay the recovery rate of noise-induced hearing loss (23). The same correlation is believed to be observed in humans as well.

Prevention Method

The ideal solution is not to consume more than 400 mg of caffeine in a day.

Insufficient Evidence For The Following

16. May Trigger Acne

Having numerous cups of coffee in a day can also cause acne. Caffeine magnifies the body’s stress levels by boosting stress hormones, which is one of the main reasons for breakouts. Caffeine can also throw your body off balance, causing stress and eventually breakouts.

Prevention Method

If you love your skin and are quite vulnerable to acne breakouts, limit your caffeine intake.

17. May Cause Allergies

Caffeine allergy is highly uncommon, but some people might develop oversensitivity to it. This may cause allergic symptoms, like rashes, hives, and pain.

Prevention Method

If you experience such reactions, it is better to quit caffeine. Seek a doctor’s advice if the problem persists.

Some of the side effects could be quite uncomfortable. But does this mean you need totally abstain from caffeine? Well, doing that too early may lead to caffeine withdrawal, especially if you are used to consuming caffeine on a regular basis.

Symptoms Of Caffeine Withdrawal

According to research, more than 68 million Americans are caffeine-dependent.

But why do we get addicted to caffeine?

Caffeine is a smart drug. It suppresses adenosine, a chemical produced by the brain that relaxes our body. It leads to a tense surge of energy in our system. This, in turn, forces our brain to demand increased levels of caffeine to stimulate the same reaction. Thus, caffeine dependency is created. These are the caffeine side effects on the brain.

People who try to get off caffeine experience a lot of withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are generally mild but can also be fatal for those who are highly accustomed to caffeine.

The general short-term withdrawal symptoms include (24):

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • Vomiting
  • Grogginess
  • Lethargy
  • Muscle pain
  • Depression
  • Lack of concentration

Recommended Dosage Of Caffeine

Caffeine, with its taste and neuropsychiatric effects, has claimed a prominent place in our lives. Whether it is in chocolates or your morning beverage, it is almost impossible to avoid it. But there’s an important question we need to consider – how much of caffeine is too much?

Caffeine is a drug. Just like other allopathic drugs, caffeine can also affect people differently. Always remember that any pre-existing medical condition can add to the negative effects of caffeine. Thus, knowing our body condition, medical history, and daily intake is important. In fact, half the troubles associated with this drug can be diminished by keeping a tab on the quantity consumed daily.

What is the safe limit for caffeine?

A healthy adult can consume up to 400 mg (about 4 cups of coffee, or 10 cans of aerated caffeinated drinks) of caffeine daily without worrying about the side effects (24). However, this upper limit is highly dependent on your present health condition and other medications you are on.

Children under the age of five should avoid caffeine. Teenagers and young adults should not go for more than 100 mg of caffeine daily.


Though caffeine is generally considered safe for most people, too much of it can cause harm. It is important you stick to just a cup or two of coffee a day. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women are recommended to avoid caffeine.

If you are on any medications or have any specific health condition, we suggest you speak to your health care provider before you start consuming caffeine.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Does caffeine cause dehydration and dry mouths?

Caffeine is a natural diuretic. Some theories suggest that caffeine causes too much fluid to leave the system, resulting in dehydration and a dry mouth. Some also believe that having caffeine is not a good idea while working out as it can cause excessive dehydration. However, research is limited.

In fact, one study states that there could be no link between caffeine intake and dehydration or dry mouth (25).

Does caffeine increase the risk of gout?

Research is limited here. Conversely, some research suggests that long-term caffeine intake may reduce the risk of gout (26). To be on the safe side, if you have gout, please consult your doctor before consuming caffeine.

What are the different ways to reduce caffeine intake?

One should never quit caffeine abruptly. It may lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, especially if you are habituated to caffeine.

A better solution is to go for a step-by-step reduction method. Begin by cutting down on the number of cups you take in a day. Continue this for a few months until you are sure you won’t cheat. Then, start replacing this high-caffeine beverage with something healthier, like green or white tea and organic fruit juice. Keep your physician in the loop at all times.

Can we take supplements along with caffeine?

You are allowed to take certain supplements along with caffeine, especially those that are known to help cleanse the colon, stimulate digestive enzymes, and rehydrate cells. However, one must avoid herbs and supplements that are known to increase the risk of bleeding. Do consult your doctor before going for drugs and supplements as your medical history may aggravate the problem.

How much caffeine is found in chocolates and beverages?

Coffee is known to contain the maximum amount of caffeine. The quantity of caffeine, however, is highly dependent on the brewing method, the strength of the brew, type of coffee bean, and the cup size. A typical 250 ml cup of black coffee contains about 85 mg of caffeine. A single espresso shot has about 63 mg caffeine, while one cup of decaf coffee contains about 3 mg caffeine.

On the other hand, an 8-ounce can of red bull contains about 78-80 mg of caffeine. A cup of green tea is known to contain 20-45 mg of caffeine. Cola contains about 30-48 mg of caffeine per can.

Like coffee, the caffeine content in chocolates is also highly dependent on its type. A bar of milk chocolate contains about 1.4 mg of caffeine, which can go as high as 70 mg for a typical dark chocolate bar.

25 sources

Stylecraze heeft strikte inkooprichtlijnen en vertrouwt op collegiaal getoetste onderzoeken, academische onderzoeksinstellingen en medische verenigingen. We vermijden het gebruik van tertiaire verwijzingen. U kunt meer te weten komen over hoe we ervoor zorgen dat onze inhoud accuraat en actueel is door ons redactionele beleid te lezen.

  • Cafeïne en het centrale zenuwstelsel: werkingsmechanismen, biochemische, metabolische en psychostimulerende effecten, Brain Research Reviews, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Cafeïne in het dieet: consumptie en richtlijnen op landniveau, voedingsstoffen, Amerikaanse National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Caffeine consumption and self-assessed stress, anxiety, and depression in secondary school children, Journal of Psychopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Coffee and gastrointestinal function: facts and fiction. A review, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • A Study of Caffeine Consumption and Symptoms: Indigestion, Palpitations, Tremor, Headache and Insomnia, International Journal of Epidemiology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Couples’ pre-pregnancy caffeine consumption linked to miscarriage risk, National Institutes of Health.

  • Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of fetal growth restriction: a large prospective observational study, BMJ, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Infant Outcomes, Nutrition During Lactation, National Center for Biotechnology Information.

  • Are You Wrong About Your Blood Pressure?, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • Habitual coffee consumption and blood pressure: an epidemiological perspective, Vascular Health and Risk Management, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Coffee linked with increased cardiovascular risk in young adults with mild hypertension, European Society of Cardiology.

  • Menopause and Hormone Replacement, National Center for Biotechnology Information.

  • CAFFEINE AND URINARY INCONTINENCE IN US WOMEN, International urogynecology journal, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Effects of Chronic Social Stress on Obesity, Current obesity reports, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Energy Drinks and the Neurophysiological Impact of Caffeine, Frontiers in Neuroscience, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Fatal caffeine overdose: two case reports, Forensic Science International, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Is caffeine consumption a risk factor for osteoporosis?, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Caffeine, urinary calcium, calcium metabolism and bone, The Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • NIH Study shows caffeine consumption linked to estrogen changes, National Institutes of Health.

  • Caffeine consumption and fibrocystic breast disease: a case-control epidemiologic study, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Caffeine Impairs Glucose Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes, American Diabetes Association.

  • Influence of caffeine and hyaluronic acid on collagen biosynthesis in human skin fibroblasts, Drug Design, Development and Therapy, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Association of Caffeine and Hearing Recovery After Acoustic Overstimulation Events in a Guinea Pig Model, JAMA Network.

  • Caffeine Withdrawal, National Center for Biotechnology Information.

  • Caffeine ingestion and fluid balance: a review, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


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